Aug 26

#35 | Department of Developmental Disabilities’ Jeff Davis and Jason Umstot

Welcome to episode 35 of Grow Like A Pro! A show all about learning how to achieve your goals and dreams as a business owner. Learn growth tips and hear success stories from entrepreneurs from all walks of life as they teach YOU how to grow like a pro.

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities’ director Jeff Davis and the Jason Umstot, Superintendent/CEO of Licking County Board of Developmental Disabilities, share their story of making living better for so many in their communities and how COVID-19 has impacted their work and how they’ve overcome it.

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Ron Greeenbaum – @RonGreenbaum
Adam Bankhurst – @AdamBankhurst

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About The Author

The Grow Like a Pro podcast was created to provide tips, tools, and techniques to help people like you grow like a pro. The show is hosted by Adam Bankhurst and Jason Fleagle, and we release our episodes weekly every Thursday at 6AM. You can email us at [email protected]

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